Hey there, karate enthusiasts! Have you ever wanted to take your kumite skills to the next level? Well, look no further because we’ve got the perfect manuals for you to do just that!

Manual Completo de Kumite. Técnicas de Combate de Karate

Manual Completo de Kumite Image

Get ready to dive deep into the world of kumite with this comprehensive manual. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner, this book has got you covered with techniques that will take your combat skills to new heights. From basic strikes to advanced sparring drills, you’ll find everything you need to become a kumite master in no time!

Karate. Manual Completo de Katas

Manual Completo de Katas Image

Looking to perfect your katas and enhance your overall karate training? Look no further than this complete manual dedicated to katas. Dive into the rich history and tradition of karate as you learn and master each kata, unlocking a whole new level of discipline and precision in your practice. Whether you’re a black belt or just starting out, this manual will guide you through each movement with detailed instructions and illustrations.

So what are you waiting for? Level up your karate skills today with these amazing manuals. Happy training!

Read more :   Best Of Kata Taekwondo

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MANUAL DE KARATE - Uniliber.com | Libros y Coleccionismo


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Libro : Manual Completo De Kumite. Técnicas De Combate De Kárate

Libro : Manual Completo de Kumite. Técnicas de Combate de Kárate


Kárate. Manual Completo De Katas | Karate, Entrenamiento De Las Artes

Kárate. Manual Completo de Katas | Karate, Entrenamiento de las artes


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